Let us put by some hour of every day for holy things...

I will not doubt, though all my ships at sea
Come drifting home with broken masts and sails.
I will believe the Hand which never fails,
From seeming evil, worketh good for me.
And though I weep because those sails are tattered,
Still will I cry, while my best hopes lie shattered:
I trust in Thee.
--Ann Kimmel

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines, the labor of the olive shall fail and the fields shall yield no meat, the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:17-18

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thou Shalt Not Covet

Etsy is a great social outlet. It beats Face-Slap all to pieces. Every week I get wonderful, chatty "convos" (messages) from other Etsians, both buyers and sellers.

Last week I had the pleasure of talking with a terrific lady named Anjie who collects Pyrex, Fire King, and all sorts of delightfully tacky plastic. She sent me photos of her fabulous collection and said that I might share them with you. Oh, oh, my!!!

I warn you, mid-century vintage afficionados will find this a perilous post to peruse.    ENVY ALERT!  ENVY ALERT!

Let's see, I have the same orange glasses on the left side of the 2nd shelf, and the same blue melmac pieces on the next-to-the-bottom shelf.

Here I see the same harvest gold Pyrex bowls that I have on Anj's top shelf. I sure love her yellow and orange pyrex!


I hesitate to tell you that these are not all the photographs Anjie sent to me. She has more. (I'm not sure which I'm most envious of--her dishes, or her cupboard space!) Isn't it marvelous? I am in awe! I am drooling! I am breaking the tenth commandment!

Do you have any of the same pieces? I've got some, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to this extravaganza. 

I must say, I'm inspired to do a better job of displaying my own collections now. I'll have to do some thinking about that. I've also been motivated to prepare a viewing of one of my own collections for you tomorrow! Yes, TWO postings in a row!! 

Do I hear a "Hip, hip!" ?

1 comment :

  1. WOW!
    60s-70s kitchen stuff as become a new hit with me..Im thinking about doing it as a theme for my kitchen..a whole retro 70s theme..With some merry mushroom stuff.
