Artwork used by gracious permission of William P. Thayer Photography:

When my children were small, Good Friday was often spent making what we called "Empty Tomb Buns"--in actuality, "Balloon Buns", a recipe from an old Betty Crocker cookbook. It's a fun way to bring the wonder of Christ's resurrection home to kids. I've done it with Sunday School classes, too.
My recipe was a homemade sweet roll dough, but you can easily make these with canned biscuit dough. The idea is to wrap a marshmallow in dough, roll it in cinnamon sugar, and bake. When you bite into the fresh hot roll, surprise! The marshmallow is gone, leaving a hollow "cave". Don't tell the kids what's going to happen--just casually talk about Jesus being buried in a cave and how sad everyone was. Then when the kids make the exciting discovery of the missing marshmallow, you exclaim, "Wow, that's just like what happened on Easter morning! Jesus was all sealed in the tomb, but when his friends came, the tomb was empty! Jesus wasn't dead anymore!"
If you'd like to try this, you can find numerous recipes for balloon buns online, or just go to this link here:
As promised, here is the next chapter of Earth's Greatest Day, "When Women and Angels Meet".
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