The snow wasn't predicted to become a problem so early in the day, but I guess this system didn't read/heed the forecast, because by the time we had traveled ten miles, we were creeping along at 20 miles per hour. We don't have snow tires on the pick-up, so I was very glad my husband was driving. We eventually managed to get home with only a few minor slithers and slides, but it was a bit of an adventure. Still, as this is only the first snow of any significance we've had this winter , I can't complain too much. The schools are all sending the kids home early and are expected to be closed tomorrow. So now I'm going to hole up and knit. That is, as soon as I've finished this post.
The view from the road up our lane. |
Despite this upheaval, I did manage to knit up a cute hat this week, finishing it (except for weaving in the loose ends) last night.
I made mine of some lovely thick variegated 100% wool yarn I got from a sale bin at Michael's; it's Kaleidoscope in "Seaglass" by Loops &Threads. The hat took 2 skeins, or about 100 grams.
My next project is already underway. I cast on the stitches for a little girl's pleated skirt this morning while in the waiting room at the dentist. I'm making the skirt shown at the bottom:
I bought the pattern from YesterdaysMagic on Etsy. I'd been hoping to track down a knit pleated skirt pattern like this for a long time.
Years and years ago, when I first learned to knit, an older woman showed me a skirt like this she was knitting for her granddaughter. At the time, I was bedazzled by Fair Isle and intarsia and other multi-colored knitting methods, and totally dismissive of anyone bothering to knit a solid color textured garment. I smiled politely, but personally thought it was the stupidest waste of time and effort I'd ever seen. And now here I am, an older woman knitting a solid color pleated skirt for my own granddaughter! What goes around comes around, eh?
When I get tired of knitting this afternoon, I plan to make chocolate doughnuts. I made a half batch on Sunday morning, and they were so good I have been sighing for them ever since the last one was eaten. I must have more!
And the good news is, these are healthy! |
Although it's meant to be made with a nonstick doughnut pan (for baking, not frying!) they also provide instructions for making this recipe into muffins.
I altered the recipe slightly because I'm trying to be careful of what I eat. Here is my (full) version, which will make 12 doughnuts:
2/3 cup Dutch-process cocoa (or Hershey's Special Dark cocoa)
1 3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup NuNaturals More-Fibre Stevia Baking Blend
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. instant coffee crystals
3/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup chocolate chips (miniature chips recommended)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
2 large eggs
3/4 - scant 1 cup milk
2 tsps. vanilla
2 tsps. vinegar, white or cider
1/4 cup oil
1/4 cup melted butter or coconut oil
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Grease your pans well.
Mix all the dry ingredients together in a large bowl and set aside.
Whisk wet ingredients together in a medium-sized bowl and add to the dry ingredients, stirring to blend. Don't beat it to death! Just make sure all is moistened. (Depending on humidity and other factors, you may find the 3/4 milk is not quite enough. Feel free to splash in a bit more.)
Spoon the batter into the prepared pan. Bake 12-15 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of one comes out clean.
Remove from oven, allow to cool slightly, then loosen the edges and turn them out onto a baking rack. Top with chocolate icing if desired.
THESE ARE SO GOOD! They will even fool a diehard health-food skeptic!
While I've been typing up this post, the snow has continued to flow down unabated, and the birds have gone ballistic over the seeds and cracked corn my husband provides for them. I've never seen so many--this photo doesn't do it justice. There is a continual wheeling and dropping down of bird after bird, just waves of them! Juncos, chickadees, varied thrushes, towhees, stellar's jays, starlings, wrens, and even a few doves have been chowing down the food. The feeder hanging in the window is being swung around so much by all the attention, it clunks against the glass every so often. I wonder what they know that we don't? This snowfall could end up being heavier than we expect.
Wickham and Lollia enjoyed a wintry romp earlier. I didn't let them hang out in the snow too long, or Wicky would have ended up with a bellyful of snowballs clinging to his underside, but he does love the novelty of playing in the snow. And both of them love "tag".
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