Let us put by some hour of every day for holy things...

I will not doubt, though all my ships at sea
Come drifting home with broken masts and sails.
I will believe the Hand which never fails,
From seeming evil, worketh good for me.
And though I weep because those sails are tattered,
Still will I cry, while my best hopes lie shattered:
I trust in Thee.
--Ann Kimmel

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines, the labor of the olive shall fail and the fields shall yield no meat, the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:17-18

Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Finds: 55 Cents and What It Bought

Last Friday I didn't make it out to any garage sales, but today my husband and I found a few good ones.  We did have to hit some total duds first, but after three of those, we happened upon a seniors' mobile home park sale, and that was when things got interesting. (And by the way, this is a great tip if you're looking for vintage items at good prices--look for sales in retirement communities. They almost always yield "good junk".)

I'm only going to show a few of the nifty gems I managed to find--I don't want to make this post too long. But I thought it would be fun to show you just how much you can get for less than the price of a candy bar if you get out and scout about.  It won't happen every time you go out (if it does, drop me a line and tell me what region you're from so I can hopefully get in on the fun sometime) but when it does, it's the ultimate cheap thrill.

Today, I nabbed the following:

 All but one of these items, the little flowered trinket box, came from a single sale.  An older woman was selling off things from her parents' estate, and she was more concerned with clearing it out than with making a profit. Very nice for me! 

 Among a number of other wonderful items, which I'll show you in another post some time, I got these two pretty embroidered holiday towels.  Not a stain on either one, no tears, and beautifully hand worked.  "Would ten cents each be all right?" the lady asked anxiously. It was the same with the little pink California pottery deer figurine. Another 10 cents ("Is that all right?" she inquired.) and now I'm up to 30 cents. Then at the far end of the table, I came upon the most wonderful vintage box with fabulous bright graphics. She wanted 25 cents for it, and I would gladly have paid that much even if it had been empty, just because it's so cool. The Whopper Box. Is that great or not? Yet, to add the cherry to the sundae, it was filled with unused, mint condition small coloring books, all dated 1956!

 This is less than half of the little booklets contained in the box. Lots of fun paper ephemera here for a crafty person. It will be fun to see how these sell.

After ten minutes or so I left this sale, and we were about to head out when we spotted one more in the park. It wasn't as intriguing as the other I've described, but the seller did have a "Free" box.  And in it, I found the pink plastic trinket box. I also got some vintage jewelry but, as I say, that tale is for another time.
So, all in all, a nice little haul for a tiny expenditure. Even figuring in the gasoline, it's still not bad!

And now for the Peppy report:

It's been a week now since Peppy got the all-clear from the vet to start returning to his pre-surgery activities.  As advised, we're "making haste slowly" and so far, Peppy is doing a bit of trotting (no all-out running yet) and he will go down stairs unaided.  And he'll come up the two steps of the front porch by himself some of the time.

It's plain he doesn't have much strength or spring in his knees yet, and I've no intention of urging him to do more than he chooses to do himself.  He prefers to be picked up to get on the couch rather than using the doggy stairs, and he hasn't attempted to climb the full staircase yet at all.  The hair on his back legs is beginning to grow back, but it's still a funny sight to see his skinny back legs attached to the beautiful silky coat he sports on his front half!  It makes him look top heavy like he's going to take a header and land on his nose if he's not careful.

Now I've got to get prepared to have Lollia spayed.  I want to manage that sometime after the near-constant rains have stopped, so she won't be getting the incision wet.  I wish I didn't have to have her spayed, but I know it's healthier for her in the long run, and she's just quirky enough that I'm uneasy with the idea of passing bad genes on through her pups. It's too bad, though, because she would be a wonderful mother.

This is definitely going to be the summer of the dog surgeries...


1 comment :

  1. Very very good day
    Ive been to a few little flea markets lately and Im hitting zero everytime basically.
    Im glad Peppy is doing good :) by the way I dont know if Ive said this before but Joshs grandmas dog is named Peppy and he also has leg problems.
