Let us put by some hour of every day for holy things...

I will not doubt, though all my ships at sea
Come drifting home with broken masts and sails.
I will believe the Hand which never fails,
From seeming evil, worketh good for me.
And though I weep because those sails are tattered,
Still will I cry, while my best hopes lie shattered:
I trust in Thee.
--Ann Kimmel

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines, the labor of the olive shall fail and the fields shall yield no meat, the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:17-18

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Phew! Encouraging News

Peppy and I are just back from the vet, and I'm glad to say that nothing dire is going on with his front legs. He does appear to be having some mild arthritic problems due to his inherited poor leg structure, but it's nothing outrageous this time. No surgery! Yahoo! It's just part of his being almost 7 years old.

Pep's been prescribed Metacam for pain relief and to reduce inflammation, and some powerful arthritis symptom-relieving soft chews, Synovi G4. He's been on Performance Bloom Gluco Plus powder for most of his life, but these chews have some ingredients the Gluco Plus does not. 

I'm so relieved! Peppy seemed relieved also, since the last time he visited this particular vet's office, he ended up with double knee surgery and weeks of painful recovery. He was happy not to be spending the night or undergoing x-rays.

One other product I got from the vet is a combination flea control/wormer pill called Trifexis. The vet, who is from Australia, said it's much in use there and that he greatly prefers it to the topical oily stuff like Frontline and Advantage. It's safer and less messy. I had never heard of it, but I'm glad I brought up the subject of worming. The dogs all, from time to time, find nasty little rodent guts, dead birds, squirrels, etc. in the yard and are thus exposed to parasites which town dogs usually avoid. Lollia, in particular, seems to need worming frequently.

Well, that's the update. I should know in a couple of weeks if the SynoviG4 chews are going to lead to improvement. 

Now for Chapter 10 of Earth's Greatest Day, and I want to express special appreciation to the disciple Thomas who, because he was honest and expressed his doubts, has put so many of my own to rest.

The Incredulity of Thomas by Caravaggio, 1602


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