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Found on Pinterest. |
Faster than a speeding bullet
More powerful than a steamroller
Able to leap tall free boxes in a single bound--
Look! Swooping through sales--
It's a crazed hoarder!
It's an escaped lunatic with incredibly bad taste!
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Guess what I did today? |
Yes, readers, it's one of those red letter days again, when I celebrate the joy of junque acquired for peanuts. It's Sheer Trash Roadshow's latest edition of "Friday's Finds".
We finally have decent weather on a holiday-free weekend, and the garage sales have sprouted like the lush and rampant weeds in my flower bed. Truly, Spring has sprung. Gotta show you what I snared today!
Now, keep in mind I'm reining myself in these days. And also that some of my finds I can't display here because they're destined as gifts for family members. (Yes, we cheerfully bestow trash on one another for Christmas and birthdays.) But I still have a few delights to show for my efforts today.
From left to right, feast your eyes on these vintage treasures:
a plastic watering can in ever-popular mid-century aqua, a plastic blow-mold bunny to add to my collection of cute and bizarre vintage rabbits, an Anchor Hocking lustreware coffee mug (very collectible), an aluminum scoop (I find it hard to resist vintage metal scoops and ladles--they look cool and are jolly useful to boot), a chippy chalkware wall plaque featuring a Mexican motif (maybe 1930's vintage?), and a set of glass swan water barometers. This loot cost me all of $3.
I also found an unfinished hand knitted toy dog project and pattern, with all the pieces made and just waiting to be assembled. Looks like someone's project from the 1960's or 1970's. I'll have fun finishing him up. I paid $1 for the privilege--a bit on the high side, but hey! He's hand made!
I blew the last of my loot today at a garage sale I nearly passed by. No vintage "junque" at this one, but I did snare a stack of Civil War history books and I'm fairly salivating at the prospect of delving into them. Paid $1.50 apiece and I'm sad to say I still had to leave some behind. And I had a most enjoyable chat with the seller who was pleased to have found a fellow Civil War buff to take his cherished books off his hands.
Okay, now for a side trip. A couple of Fridays ago when garage sales were non-existent, I ducked into a charity thrift shop and found these wonderful old Gund musical rabbit toys. They cost me $15 apiece and even though that's more than I'd customarily fork out, I was glad to get them. I need to do some more research on them, but my preliminary findings have me convinced they're worth considerably more than I paid. If you have any information about these toys, I'd love to hear it. I'm thinking they're 1960's vintage.
Aren't these guys adorable? They stand 10-10.5" tall. They're in marvelous condition, and she's still sporting her original tag. |
Boy Bunny plays "Rock-a-Bye Baby" and Girl Bunny plays "Brahm's Lullaby". |
Check out the bottom of their feet! |
Thanks for joining me on today's junking journey. Happy thrifting!
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