Word to the wise: Do not try to take digital photographs and walk at the same time. Now there are two of us... Peppy with two bunged up legs, and me with one. I managed to wrench my ankle and roll it over sideways this afternoon while attempting to photograph new items for Etsy, and now I'm hobbling around with a cane. I haven't sprained an ankle in decades. I can't believe I was so careless!
Peppy managed to put some weight on his back legs today, though not in the normal position, on the pads of his feet. He held both legs straight and pegged unsteadily on the tips of his paws a few steps as though he was wearing toe shoes. He's only managed this a couple of times, but it's a good sign.
Since I'm now pretty well worthless for getting any "real" work done, I spent the afternoon watching Netflix programs and cutting out little animal appliques for some birthday party bags I hope to make. Since I sprained the foot I use to operate the sewing machine pedal, I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to tackle that project, but I can prepare.
Making little appliques is fun and really easy. You just iron "Wonder Under" to the wrong side of the fabric you want to use, cut out the figures, peel the paper backing, and iron them on the fabric of your choice. It helps to have sharp little scissors.
Eventually they'll end up on little muslin sacks like these, which I made from a wonderful scrap of printed fabric:
Other Etsy news... Today I am in my first BNS Treasury. I have only the foggiest notion of what that means. I think it's a sort of Etsy pyramid scheme affair. Well, without the illegal connotations, of course! I feel sorry for our team leader who has the unenviable job of trying to explain it all to me. If you'd like to check it out, you can find it here. I'm supposed to "fave" it on Twitter and Facebook, but since I do neither, perhaps you'd like to do so... (Don't answer that!)
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